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System solutions

At MaCom, we concentrate on delivering our quality solutions on time. We deliver systems with focus on every customer´s needs.

Delivered solutions

Ever since it was founded in 1992, MaCom has developed solutions for both private and public organizations. These have been, among others, administrative systems, solutions for managing research data, and integrated solutions for accounting systems.

MaCom is also a sub-supplier of solutions of other system development suppliers. Our preferred platform is Oracle. This is why we have been part of the Oracle Partner Program since early 1998.<br>

At MaCom, we concentrate on delivering our quality solutions on time. We deliver systems with focus on the actual needs of customers. We can be hired as module suppliers or total solution suppliers in charge of project management.

Solution possibilities

System development deals with creating customized systems that can satisfy specific customer needs where existing standard software fails.

These could be specific systems for dealing with new requirements, or conversions of old systems to new technological standards, such as switching from traditional client-server systems to web applications.

System development can also be about further developing the existing systems of an organization. This could be done either by improving system functionality in terms of speed, user friendliness, and capacity, or by adding new functions such as reports, the ability to manage new types of data, and integration with other systems of the organization.

Related information

NeuroSearch´s experiences with MaCom
MaCom´s document management and knowledge sharing system InfoPro 2i
MaCom´s Microsoft Project competences
Oracle Partner Program
Microsoft Certified Partner Program
For more information, send an email to:
MaCom A/S - Vesterbrogade 48, 1. - DK-1620 København V - Tel: +45 33 79 79 00 - Fax: +45 33 79 79 84 - E-mail: