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The access to Lectio is divided into different levels so that administration, schedule planner, teachers and pupils only have access to the parts of Lectio which are relevant to them.

The pupils

It is possible for everybody to see every pupil's and every teacher’s current schedule as well as the balanced status for lessons held versus lessons planned.

The teachers

The teachers can schedule lessons, excursions and the like, either from home or from school. Furthermore, it is possible for a teacher to exchange lessons with a colleague, arrange shared lessons with another class and more. Additionally, the teacher can book classrooms and other resources like AV-equipment, as well as keep an eye on his own "modultimer" and "arbejdsmarkedstimer". In addition to this the teachers have access to the same parts of Lectio as the pupils.

Schedule planners

The schedule planners can access information about problems in the planned schedule. For example it is possible to see if a pupil, teacher, classroom or resource has been booked more than once times for the same module. Furthermore, the schedule planner can see which lessons that lack a teacher or a classroom. In this way the schedule planner has an effective tool for correcting errors in the schedule before the errors arise in reality. The schedule planners too have access to the same parts of Lectio as the pupils and the teachers.

The administrators

The administrators can import schedule data from GAS, grant access rights and passwords, create new resources and more. Moreover, the administrators have access to the same parts of Lectio as the pupils, teachers and schedule planners.

  Sign up high school for Lectio here.

  Get Lectio product sheets here.


For more information call phone number: +45 33 79 79 00 or e-mail:

MaCom A/S - Vesterbrogade 48, 1. - DK-1620 København V - Tel: +45 33 79 79 00 - Fax: +45 33 79 79 84 - E-mail: