Produced knowledge is easily shared amongst employees. This frees up time for using the knowledge instead of having to keep reproducing it.
Knowledge generated by employees is archived in InfoPro.
The internal and external communication of the organization is archived along with documents and emails, securing them for the future. InfoPro 2i also has a shared mailing list, which gives quick access to the addresses, phone numbers, and emails of business connections, customers, and employees.
- Documents such as letters, offers, minutes, budgets, graphics, and presentations are archived in InfoPro.
- Emails, both sent and received are archived in InfoPro along with their attachments, if any.
- Communication by letters, emails, or notes, for instance, is gathered within InfoPro.
- Contact information on company employees, customers, suppliers, etc. is gathered within InfoPro.
- Project documentation is archived in InfoPro, giving participants a collective overview of plans, documents, emails, minutes etc.